Dan Gets It Done!

Why I’m Running for Mayor

Harrisburg has great potential and I want to move us forward. For the past 20 years, I’ve been deeply involved in Harrisburg City government, witnessing firsthand the decisions, inefficiencies, and waste that have held our city back. Harrisburg can be a great river city—a place we can all enjoy and be proud of.

I bring the best experience, background, and strong ethics of any candidate. My business career was founding and managing a successful CPA firm in downtown Harrisburg. Decades of experience gives me a thorough knowledge of issues that need to be addressed. I am a person who gets things done, and will respond promptly to the needs of the people. Together, we can make Harrisburg better.

Some of the things I’ve done for Harrisburg include:


  • Eliminated a 300-message backlog in the Treasury office and instituted rapid response to inquiries.

  • Established mail-in residential parking permits, instead of appearing in person.

  • Started online Real Estate settlement sheet request and payment.


  • Posted online, citywide real estate tax information including recent history.

  • Initiated a website that lists every city contract.

  • Listed personal email address on city website and responded promptly.


  • Established Domestic Partnership Registry.

  • Established Audit Committee.

What I’ll Do As Mayor of Harrisburg

  • As the first financial professional to lead the city, I will apply my skills to ensure fiscal responsibility, increase revenue, and reduce costs.

  • Collect $13.4 million in delinquent trash fees.

  • Eliminate guns and drugs in the city to make Harrisburg a safer place. I will install as many cameras as necessary to enhance public safety.

  • Work to plant 1,000 trees throughout the city and encourage access to community gardens.

  • Minimize waste, improve systems, and make Harrisburg's government efficient and responsive to residents.

  • Support city schools and work to improve outcomes for every student as I strongly believe in the importance of education.

  • Work to eliminate crime.

  • COVID has devastated our city's downtown and other business districts. It is imperative that we repair these business communities in order to move forward. Revitalization will be at the top of my list.

  • In my neighborhood on the 2200 block of 4th and 5th Streets, I have witnessed reconstruction efforts led by small, independent minority contractors. This development is crucial for Harrisburg's growth. I will support these contractors so they can continue their important work.

  • I am a civil rights advocate. I know the pain and costs of being discriminated against. I will work for fairness and equality so that all Harrisburg residents have the same access to business, educational and social opportunities. A better way of life for all.

  • I am also committed to transparency in government. As Treasurer I published online access to all city and school real estate taxes for anyone to view. As Controller I initiated the online listing/details of every city contract. As Mayor I will continue the effort of full transparency.

    For more details about each of the issues, Click Here

Dan Miller with one of the tree's he planted in the city of Harrisburg
Dan Miller outside with his neighbor Francisco.
Dan Miller working in the Atlas Street Community garden among many planting beds including flowers and vegetables.
Dan Miller in his home with friends, Zeke and Chance Westry.
Dan Miller and a Catholic Worker planting in the Atlas Street Community Garden that Dan started in a plot of land he purchased for the purpose..